一名36岁的女性有两个月的历史进步的腹部肿胀由于腹水和肝脾肿大考入我们医院。她的病史是不起眼的,除了一个腹股沟疝手术。体检显示薄而略苍白腹水患者脐上方约3厘米;肝脏和脾脏明显在肋缘下2厘米和4厘米,分别。腹水液分析如下:白细胞数:600 /毫米3(嗜中性,100 /毫米3;淋巴细胞400 /毫米3),serum-to-ascites白蛋白梯度(SAAG): 2.5 g / dL,总蛋白质:2.4 g / dL, trygliceride: 48 mg / dL,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH): 147 IU / L,并发血清总蛋白:6.9 g / dL和LDH: 346 IU / L。腹水液没有乳糜性。酸快速涂片细胞学检查,和腹水细菌培养均为阴性。全血细胞计数(CBC)显示低小红细胞的贫血(血红蛋白浓度,10.4 g / dL)和淋巴细胞减少症(900 /毫米3)和血小板和白细胞计数正常。缺铁是目前23 ng / mL铁蛋白和转铁蛋白饱和度小于10%。红细胞沉降率(ESR)、c反应蛋白(CRP)浓度升高在49毫米/小时和23 mg / L,分别。肝功能测试和凝固参数正常。其他生化调查不起眼的除了低丙球蛋白血症(0.68 g / dL)。病人咨询与血液学ESR升高,低丙球蛋白血症、淋巴细胞减少症。骨髓细胞学愿望和活组织检查显示没有明显的病理变化。病人没有携带JAK2突变。血清学的检测艾滋病毒、乙肝和丙肝是负的。肿瘤标志物甲胎蛋白、CEA、CA胜负CA惊呼不已,beta-HCG也正常。 She did not have any renal problem (malignancy, chronic or acute renal failure) which may cause ascites and glomerular filtration rate was 110 mL/minute. Urine sediment was normal. Gynecologic examination was normal. We did not find any cardiac pathology which can cause ascites and there were no findings about pericarditis in echocardiographic examination and thorax computerized tomography. The portal and splenic blood flow volumes were 5703 mL/min and 147.5 mL/min, respectively, in Doppler ultrasonography. Thus, the patient was diagnosed to have portal hypertension and further investigations were planned for the underlying etiology.
Peritoneovenous并联操作执行由于利尿剂抵抗腹水和偏狭的频繁穿刺术。病人再次入院手术后一周在肋下发热和充血,宫颈口的网站。被评价为移植物感染状况。胸部和腹部CT显示总3厘米段闭塞颈内静脉和部分血栓阻塞50%的内腔通过胸廓出口水平的贪污。通过并联水库下透视造影剂注射给严重减少颈静脉移植物的排水。分流功能障碍的诊断是由和导管为丸注入锁骨下静脉溶栓代理(组织纤溶酶原激活物(tPA)。手术后的24小时内,tPA依诺肝素和低剂量注入又开始了。输液治疗必须停在12小时由于咯血和黑粪症。血流动力学状态的病人输血后稳定,液体复苏。溶栓治疗后一周,血栓recanalized peritoneovenous导管reimplanted到锁骨下静脉。 The patient was discharged 10 days after the application of the thrombolytic treatment. In the outpatient follow-up, there was no reduction in ascites and severe malnutrition due to malabsorption developed despite adequate enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy. The patient died of sepsis (nasocomial pneumonia—hemoculture positive for