Applied and Environmental Soil Science

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 5829657
  • - Research Article

Composition of Trace Metals in Dust Samples Collected from Selected High Schools in Pretoria, South Africa

J. O. Olowoyo | L. L. Mugivhisa | Z. G. Magoloi
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 8178901
  • - Research Article

Trace Metal Contamination Characteristics and Health Risks Assessment ofCommelina africanaL. and Psammitic Sandflats in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

Nsikak U. Benson | Paul A. Enyong | Omowunmi H. Fred-Ahmadu
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 5202789
  • - Research Article

Manganese Fractionation in Soils after Application of Municipal Solid Wastes Compost in Two Consecutive Years

Molod Samiei | Abdolamir Bostani
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 7410186
  • - Research Article

Potential for Lead Release from Lead-Immobilized Animal Manure Compost in Rhizosphere Soil of Shooting Range

Masahiko Katoh | Wei Lu | Takeshi Sato
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 9814316
  • - Research Article

Variability of Soil Micronutrients Concentration along the Slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mathayo Mpanda Mathew | Amos E. Majule | ... | Fergus Sinclair
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 7302148
  • - Research Article

Assessing the Suitability and Availability of Land for Agriculture in Tuban Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Widiatmaka | Wiwin Ambarwulan | ... | Christian Walter
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - - - - - - ID 9415175条
  • - Editorial

Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation

Ezio Ranieri | Fabian Bombardelli | ... | Bernardino Chiaia
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 5192691
  • - Editorial

Integrated Approaches to Soil Contamination Monitoring

Pantelis Soupios | Victor Kavvadias | ... | Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 3590548
  • - Research Article

Chemical and Physical Characteristics in Uncultivated Soils with Different Lithology in Semiarid Mediterranean Clima

Daniel Moraetis | Nikolaos Lydakis-Simantiris | ... | Vasilios Perdikatsis
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 9542361
  • - Research Article

Previous Crop and Cultivar Effects on Methane Emissions from Drill-Seeded, Delayed-Flood Rice Grown on a Clay Soil

Alden D. Smartt | Kristofor R. Brye | ... | Trenton L. Roberts
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 5390808
  • - Research Article

Integrated Nanozero Valent Iron and Biosurfactant-Aided Remediation of PCB-Contaminated Soil

He Zhang | Baiyu Zhang | Bo Liu
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 1769203
  • - Research Article

Diurnal Variation of Soil Heat Flux at an Antarctic Local Area during Warmer Months

Marco Alves | Jacyra Soares
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 2013463
  • - Research Article

Nutrients Release from a Novel Gel-Based Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer

H. Ding | Y. S. Zhang | ... | D. L. Chen
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 4151898
  • - Research Article

Phytoremediation of Gold Mine Tailings Amended with Iron-Coated and Uncoated Rice Husk Ash by Vetiver Grass (兽医iveria zizanioides(林)。纳什)

F. S. Tariq | A. W. Samsuri | ... | A. Z. Aris
  • Applied and Environmental Soil Science-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 9858437
  • - Research Article

Dissolution of Metals from Biosolid-Treated Soils by Organic Acid Mixtures

Won-Pyo Park | Bon-Jun Koo | ... | Chau M. Nguyen
Applied and Environmental Soil Science
Journal metrics
Acceptance rate 22%
Submission to final decision 93 days
Acceptance to publication 48 days
CiteScore 2.000
Impact Factor -

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