TY - JOUR A2 - Pai, Ping-Feng AU - Elkinany, Boutaina AU - Alfidi, Mohammed AU - Chaibi, Redouane AU - Chalh, Zakaria PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/07 TI - T-S Fuzzy System Controller for Stabilizing the Double Inverted Pendulum SP - 8835511 VL - 2020 AB - This article provides a representation of the double inverted pendulum system that is shaped and regulated in response to torque application at the top rather than the bottom of the pendulum, given that most researchers have controlled the double inverted pendulum based on the lower part or the base.实现此目标时,我们设计了动态拉格朗格概念化双反转钟头和状态反馈表示法,以简单凸多态变换为基础最后,我们使用模糊状态反馈法线性数学非线性模型并开发模糊控制器 H级 非线性系统简化能力强 以降低误差率并提高精度虚拟构思倒转钟中,我们使用MATLAB软件模拟系统运动关于非线性系统,我们发现状态反馈模糊控制法整体模拟结果显示,模糊状态反馈模型高效灵活,可按不同姿势修改SN-1687-7101UR-https://doi.org/101155/20883551DO-10.1155/20883551JF-Fisy系统PB-HindawiKW-ER-