ty -jour a2 -traversi,gianluca au -Abdullah -Al -Shafi,马里兰州Au -Bahar,Ali Newaz PY-2018 DA -2018/09/24 TI-二维4 -DOT 2 -DOT 2 -Electron QCA Full的体系结构使用能量耗散研究的加法器和减法器SP -5062960 VL -2018 AB -Quantum -Dot细胞自动机(QCA)是新技术的开始,能够在纳米级范围内适当地替代正统半导体晶体管技术。合格的加法器和减法器电路可以在设计算术电路方面发挥重大功能。数字技术的未来年龄将作为首选纳米技术行使QCA。QCA计算程序将通过有效的全加法器和减法器电路来简化。在基于QCA的轮廓中,变化和组装的缺陷仍然持久,并且具有反复无常和倾向于误差是这些电路的限制。在这项研究中,提出了使用独特的3输入XOR栅极冗余的新的完整加法器和减法器设计。该设计可用于形成不同的权宜QCA布局。这些结构是在剥夺交叉系列的单层中形成的。此外,这项研究针对了概述的全加法器和减法电路的功能和能量耗尽财产的分析。 For the first time, QCADesigner-Energy (QD-E) version 2.0.3 tool is utilized to find the overall depleted energy. The attained effects with QCADesigner have verified that the outlined design has enhanced functioning in terms of intricacy, extent, and latency in contrast to the earlier designs. Moreover, the redundant form of full adder and subtractor has uncomplicated and robust arrangement competing typical styles. SN - 0882-7516 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5062960 DO - 10.1155/2018/5062960 JF - Active and Passive Electronic Components PB - Hindawi KW - ER -