Adsorption Science & Technology
Publishing Collaboration
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Journal metrics
Acceptance rate -
Submission to final decision -
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CiteScore 3.200
Impact Factor 2.424

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Journal profile

Adsorption Science & Technologypublishes original research and review articles on the topic of adsorption.

Editor spotlight

Adsorption Science & Technologymaintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.

Abstracting and Indexing

This journal's articles appear in a wide range of abstracting and indexing databases, and are covered by numerous other services that aid discovery and access. Find out more about where and how the content of this journal is available.
Adsorption Science & Technology
Publishing Collaboration
More info
Sage logo
Journal metrics
Acceptance rate -
Submission to final decision -
Acceptance to publication -
CiteScore 3.200
Impact Factor 2.424

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