TY -的A2 Peltekian中m . AU - Paredes-Echeverri萨拉非盟-罗德里格斯,Ayda n . AU - Cardenas威尔默a . AU -门多萨de Molano Belen AU -冈萨雷斯(John m . PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/01 TI - Seroprevalence Antitransglutaminase和Antiendomysium抗体在成人哥伦比亚血库捐助者SP - 7541941六世- 2020 AB -乳糜泻(CD)是一种自身免疫引起的肠病从小麦谷蛋白的摄入,大麦和黑麦基因易感个体。CD的全球发病率是1.4%。然而,大多数的患病率研究已经在高加索人群进行;一些研究已经完成了拉丁美洲。本研究的目的是确定auto-antibodies用作标记的seroprevalence CD在哥伦比亚队列。在这个横断面研究,从哥伦比亚献血者血清样本国家红十字会血液银行收集2017年6月和9月期间在波哥大,哥伦比亚。所有血清检测IgA antitissue转谷氨酰胺酶(TTG)酶联免疫吸附试验。血清反应阳性的血清进行IgA antiendomysium使用间接免疫荧光试验(EMA)。祖先的基因组成与抗体测定反应决定捐赠样本。那些有两个seroreactive化验为HLA二类DQ2和DQ8类型。 In total, 228 blood donors participated in the study. Among them, 113 were females (49.56%) with an average age of 31.63 years (SD ± 12.99); males had an average of 34.71 years (SD ± 13.01). Only 3 (1.31%) donors reported chronic diarrhea and nonintentional weight loss; 11 (4.82%) had a family history of CD. For the serological assays, 11 donors (4.82%) were seroreactive to IgA anti-TTG: 3 had high reactivity and 8 had low reactivity. Of those seroreactive to IgA anti-TTG, 3 (1.32%) were also seroreactive to anti-EMA, and they were typed as HLA-DQ8 or HLA-DQ2. The baseline ancestral percentage of the seroreactive donors was higher for European and Native American than for African genes. The seroprevalence for anti-TTG and anti-EMA with the presence of HLA-DQ8 and HLA-DQ2 was 1.32%. Additionally, 4.82% donor participants were reactive only for anti-TTG. Compared with other studies, our findings suggest that Colombia has a high prevalence of CD markers. SN - 2291-2789 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7541941 DO - 10.1155/2020/7541941 JF - Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology PB - Hindawi KW - ER -