Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging

Editorial Board

Chief Editor

  • Luc Zimmer, Université de Lyon - Hospices Civils de Lyon, France

    Associate Editors

    • María L. García-MartínBIONAND,安达卢西亚人岑tre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, Spain
    • Anne Roivainen, University of Turku, Finland
    • Ralf Schirrmacher, University of Alberta, Canada

      Academic Editors

      • Ali Azhdarinia, The University of Texas, USA
      • Giorgio Biasiotto, University of Brescia, Italy
      • André L. B. De Barros, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Cidade Universitária—Campus da UFMG, Brazil
      • Dinesh K. Deelchand, University of Minnesota , USA
      • Paul Edison, Imperial College London , United Kingdom
      • Michael J. Evans, University of California, USA
      • Samer Ezziddin, Saarland University, Germany
      • Guillermina Ferro-Flores, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Mexico
      • Luca Filippi, Santa Maria Goretti Hospital, Italy
      • Filippo Galli, Sapienza University, Italy
      • Alexander R. Haug, Medical University of Vienna, Germany
      • Hao Hong, University of Michigan, USA
      • Alexey P. Kostikov, McGill University, Canada
      • Kuo-Shyan Lin, University of British Columbia, Canada
      • Gaurav Malviya, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Glasgow, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
      • Barbara Palumbo, University of Perugia, Italy
      • Giancarlo Pascali, ANSTO Life Sciences, Australia
      • Laurent M. Riou, Université Joseph Fourier, France
      • Pedro Rosa-Neto, McGill University, Canada
      • Barbara Salvatore, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
      • Enza Torino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
      • Giorgio Treglia, Imaging Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland
      • Reza Vali, University of Toronto & Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
      • Mattia Veronese, King's College London, United Kingdom
      • Changning Wang, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
      • Habib Zaidi, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland
        Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
        Publishing Collaboration
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        Wiley Hindawi logo
        Acceptance rate 58%
        Submission to final decision 65 days
        Acceptance to publication 40 days
        CiteScore 3.200
        Impact Factor 1.984

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