Case Reports in Hematology

Abstracting and Indexing


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Full list of databases and services

  • Academic Search Alumni Edition
  • Academic Search Complete
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text
  • CNKI Scholar
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
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  • EBSCOhost Research Databases
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  • HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme
  • J-Gate Portal
  • Open Access Journals Integrated Service System Project (GoOA)
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  • Professional ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest Health and Medical Complete
  • PubMed
  • PubMed Central
  • The Summon Service
  • WorldCat Discovery Services


    Hindawi所有的内容存档在门廊,which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative.

      Case Reports in Hematology
      Journal metrics
      Acceptance rate 60%
      Submission to final decision 69 days
      Acceptance to publication 24 days
      CiteScore -
      Impact Factor -

      We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy.Sign up hereas a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions.