TY -的A2 -桑切斯佩雷斯,赫克托耳哈维尔盟——Al-Umran Shaymaa AU -法塔赫,Ahmad盟——Alabbas费萨尔盟——Al-Jehani Hosam PY - 2020 DA - 2020/05/25 TI -骆驼咬与头骨碎裂迅速蔓延较少的蜂窝织炎SP - 8393059六世- 2020 AB -骆驼咬代表比例最小,他们大多来自中东国家。人们对它们的感染潜力知之甚少,抗菌素治疗指南也没有很好地制定。我们描述了一名40岁的男性,他是一名骆驼牧人,在拴骆驼时被骆驼咬伤导致单侧颅骨凹陷骨折,头皮上有多处双侧牙齿刺伤。他在受伤3小时后来到我们的急诊部。所有伤口干燥,周围皮肤健康,无皮下积液。头部CT扫描显示左侧颞区颅骨凹陷骨折。12小时内,患者出现头皮播散性蜂窝织炎。这需要紧急手术干预。另一个挑战是硬脑膜破裂。 Our patient presented a challenge at several levels. He presented early with clean puncture wounds that were treated according to the most agreed upon guidelines. But our novel finding of rapidly spreading cellulitis requires alteration of recommendation towards more aggressive therapeutic attitude including early surgical intervention, especially for those patients suspected of a dural tear with the depressed skull fracture, even if treated with appropriate antibiotics. SN - 2090-6625 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8393059 DO - 10.1155/2020/8393059 JF - Case Reports in Infectious Diseases PB - Hindawi KW - ER -