ty -jour a2 -dogan,Omer Faruk au -Nurmeev,Ildar au -Osipov,Dmitry au -Okoye,Bruce PY -2020 DA -2020/05/21 TI-儿童上肢动脉动脉瘤:五个病例的报告SP- sp- sp-报道 -9198723 VL -2020 AB- 背景。儿童的动脉动脉瘤很少。 目标。介绍对儿童上肢动脉瘤的成功手术治疗的病例系列的描述。案例系列包括2个男孩和3个女孩,中位年龄3.3岁。其中一个是一个新生儿,具有真正的肱动脉动脉瘤。动脉瘤在臂中( n = 3) and radial ( n = 2) arteries. Two patients had idiopathic aneurysms. Two cases were associated with connective tissue dysplasia syndrome. One patient had a history of trauma. In 4 of 5 cases, there was a true aneurysm and in one a pseudoaneurysm. Diagnosis was carried out in all cases by using ultrasound, with arteriography in one case. All 5 children were operated on. Resection of the aneurysm and restoration of arterial patency was performed in 4 of 5 cases (ligation of the radial artery near the aneurysm in 1 case, aneurysm resection with end-to-end anastomosis in 1 case, resection with PTFE graft implantation in 1 case, and resection with implantation of an autovenous graft in 2 cases. 并发症。PTFE移植的功能障碍和血栓形成需要使用自动移植物再操作。 结论。尽管这种疾病很罕见,但在一家专业医院中,可能成功地成功地治疗了儿童上肢动脉动脉瘤的手术治疗。SN -1687-9627 UR -https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9198723 do -10.1155/2020/9198723 JF-医学案例报告