

案例报告|Open Access

Volume 2020. |文章的ID 6728318 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6728318

Michael M. Herskowitz,Chi Mei Wong,Robert F. Leonardo, "Ruptured Ovarian Artery Pseudoaneurysm in a Postmenopausal Patient Treated with Transcatheter Embolization",放射学的病例报告, 卷。2020., 文章的ID6728318, 4 页面, 2020.. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6728318

Ruptured Ovarian Artery Pseudoaneurysm in a Postmenopausal Patient Treated with Transcatheter Embolization

学术编辑:Atsushi Komemushi
收到 2019年9月27日
Accepted 29 Nov 2019
Published 15 Feb 2020






We present an additional case of spontaneous rupture of an ovarian artery pseudoaneurysm in a postmenopausal patient.


A 59-yeart-old black female presented to the emergency department with acute onset of abdominal pain, hypotension, and severe anemia. There is a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, currently in remission as well as medically controlled hypertension. In the emergency room, laboratory values were remarkable for , , , , , , .The patient was immediately transfused 3 units packed RBCs, 2 liters crystalloid, and appropriate calcium infusion. A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was performed which demonstrated active extravasation of contrast in the right infrarenal retroperitoneal space (Figure1(a))。CTA重建表明来自右卵巢动脉的起源(图1(b))。

将患者直接脱介到介入放射学,其中腹部主动脉图显示出右上象限的对比外渗。选择性右肾脏和右上腰椎注射率没有异常。正确的卵巢动脉插管,注射液显示出近端右卵巢动脉的伪肿瘤,其相关的活跃的对比度(图2)。A 3 fr coaxial Progreat catheter (Terumo) was advanced through the 5 fr angiographic catheter, and the vessel was embolized to the point of occlusion with multiple metallic microcoils measuring 3 to 5 mm diameter (Figure3)。

The patient received an additional transfusion of 3 units packed RBCs the following day. The patient’s clinical course stabilized, and she was discharged seven days after admission. The final hemoglobin/hematocrit rose to 8.7/24.9, the WBC count decreased to 17.5, and BUN/creatinine decreased to 13/1.4. The remote history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia was not considered a factor in the events of the current admission.


Ovarian artery aneurysms are relatively rare lesions, and the majority are related to pregnancy, either late in its course or in the early postpregnancy period [1-4]. Several factors have been implicated, including hemodynamic changes such as increased blood volume and cardiac output as well as hormonal changes predisposing to aneurysm formation [14]。We have been able to find only seven reported cases of ovarian artery pseudoaneurysms in postmenopausal patients [28]。剖宫产后的前两年,举行了两种额外的病例[489,10]。


The patient is sufficiently anonymized.




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