录取率 48%
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A Spontaneous Isolated Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection Associated with Cocaine Abuse: A Pathomechanistic Association

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Case Report

Successful Endovascular Repair of a Ruptured Popliteal Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report and Literature Review

Introduction。这是罕见的腘动脉瘤(PAA)以呈现与破裂。这种情况与报告血管内的办法在一个大破裂腘动脉瘤的管理更长远的成功,此类案件管理的文献综述。Case Report。一位80岁的老人和事故emergency department with pain and swelling behind the left knee and at the back of the thigh. An ultrasound scan and subsequent CT angiogram revealed a large 9.4 cm ruptured PAA. The patient had significant comorbidities deeming him unfit for a major surgical intervention of drainage of haematoma and exclusion bypass. Therefore, he underwent urgent endovascular treatment of the ruptured PAA with a covered stent graft. A follow-up duplex scan at 1 year showed a patent stent with no evidence of endoleak, and the patient remained asymptomatic. A clinical follow-up at 18- and 24-month postprocedure showed a patent stent graft and complete resolution of haematoma.Conclusion。Whilst open repair with exclusion bypass may still be a treatment of choice, an endovascular approach is both safe and effective in the management of a ruptured PAA in an unfit patient with an acceptable longer-term outcome.

Case Report


Nonanastomotic pseudoaneurysm formation after vascular reconstruction is a rarely encountered problem. Covered stent graft constitutes a minimal approach. To our knowledge, the present study constitutes the first case of implantation of Solaris stent graft in Europe. A 69-year-old man with severe cardiac dysfunction presented a pseudoaneurysm of a popliteal to popliteal artery reversed saphenous vein bypass graft. The patient was successfully treated by the percutaneous placement of a Solaris self-expanding covered stent. The postimplantation arteriogram demonstrated exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm, complete apposition of the stent, and adequate runoff. No complications occurred, and the patient was discharged from the hospital one day later receiving 75 mg of clopidogrel. Endovascular exclusion by covered stent deployment offers a safe, rapid, and minimally invasive alternative to open surgical resection in patients with lower limb venous graft pseudoaneurysm. The Solaris covered stent provides a new catheter-based device with adequate navigability and exceptional accurate delivery system.

Case Report

Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens与乳腺癌和下腔静脉发育不全患者

背景。没有明确的指导方针phlegmasia cerulea dolens的管理存在。这种情况下,报告显示的混合方法可能会成功。它还说明了如何罕见病症可以结合起来,创造一个生命和肢体威胁的状态。Case Presentation。一名75岁的男子,因为目前正在调查肾病综合征知道,呈现给左腿的24小时历史急诊科肿胀其次是剧烈的疼痛。左下肢呈蔚蓝色phlegmasia dolens。肾功能,凝血和炎症参数正常;D-Dimers 5,6 mg/L. The CT scan showed juxtarenal thrombosis of the hypoplastic IVC, involving both renal veins, reaching the left iliac-femoral-popliteal axis, with collateralization to the pelvic and mesenteric veins, associated with bilateral segmental pulmonary embolisms. A suspected left breast nodule was also found. Intravenous heparin was immediately administered, and urgent hybrid procedure with surgical thrombectomy and venous angiography and thromboaspiration, liberating the iliolumbar collaterals, was performed. A lateral leg fasciotomy was mandatory due to the phlegmasia cerulea. Postoperative Doppler US showed a good venous compressibility of the left leg. Thrombophilia screening was negative. The breast nodule was biopsied showing an invasive ductal carcinoma. The patient was discharged with oral rivaroxaban and indication for left mastectomy and oncological therapy with aromatase inhibitors.Conclusion。This case highlights the dramatic consequence of different risk factors for venous thromboembolism as cancer and nephrotic syndrome in a patient with hypoplasia of the inferior cava vein. Venous thromboaspiration has been used in order to timely recanalize important collaterals. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens was resolved after the procedure and lateral calf fasciotomy. Further evidence is needed to clearly define the role of venous thromboaspiration in the treatment of complex proximal deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremity.

Case Report

Spontaneous Renal Artery Dissection in a Man with Previous Spontaneous Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection

Both spontaneous superior mesenteric artery dissection (SMAD) and spontaneous renal artery dissection (SRAD) are very rare conditions. Their etiologies and natural histories are not precisely defined, but they are thought to be associated with underlying conditions. In this report, we describe an extremely rare case of SRAD in a man who had a history of spontaneous SMAD. We successfully treated SRAD with endovascular intervention. Isolated spontaneous SMAD and SRAD are both rare conditions. Their optimal treatment has not been established due to their rare entities, but endovascular treatment is a good option because it can prevent both advancement of infarction and renovascular hypertension, and it has become safer as device technology has improved. Patients with isolated visceral artery dissection should be carefully followed up.

Case Report

Angioembolization of Scrotal Arteriovenous Malformations: A Case Report and Literature Review

动静脉畸形(avm)的阴囊are rare lesions, usually diagnosed incidentally during the evaluation of scrotal masses or infertility. It could be presented with acute bleeding or acute pain. We are presenting a case of painless bilateral infiltrated scrotal mass (more advanced in the left side) developed dramatically over a year, no other symptoms existed. The diagnosis was made using duplex ultrasound (DUS), computed tomography arteriography (CTA), and digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Three sessions of angioembolization were performed and followed by surgical resection of the left side of the scrotum.

Case Report



录取率 48%
提交到最终决定 56 days
Acceptance to publication 17 days
CiteScore -
影响因子 -

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