TY - Jour A2 - Murdaca,Giuseppe Au - Chlup,R. Au - Doubravova,B. Au - Bartek,J.Au - Zapletalova,J.Au - Krystynik,O. Au - Prochazka,V.PY - 2013 DA - 2013/ 12/19 TI - 使用个人血糖仪进行糖尿病控制的有效评估(Contourlink,德国; Calla,Wellion,奥地利; Linus,Agamatrix,USA)SP - 702427 VL - 35 AB - 这项试验的目的是评估(1)基于电化学的血糖仪Contoglink,Calla和Linus的精确度和精度和(2)使用动态血糖型材(AGP)作为治疗效果的标志物的糖尿病控制。一个实验室专业人员使用血糖仪和COBAS Integra 400 Plus分析仪在112名Out患者中估算p-葡萄糖(PG)。分析了112套12个PG估计。在每种组中,计算了3个相应血糖仪和Integra分析仪上的3个毛细管PG估计的方法。统计计划SPSS,v。15。平均Integra pg值范围为2.7至25.3mmol / l。Integra对Contoullink的平均pg与Calla和Linus的平均pg之间存在强烈的相关性;PG离Inctocta的偏差大多在±15%的范围内。Wilcoxon签名等级测试显示Contourlink-Integra和Linus-Integra之间的差异; CALLA-INTEGRA showed no difference. SD INTEGRA = 0.061 mmol/L, SD CONTOURLINK/SD CALLA/SD LINUS were 0.256/0.290/0.286 mmol/L. All patients were trained to perform defined 10-point PG profiles to adapt food, exercise, and insulin doses. The PG differences between all tested glucometers and reference values were in borderline of ISO 15197 but worthy of consideration. AGP are helpful markers of diabetes control. SN - 0278-0240 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/702427 DO - 10.1155/2013/702427 JF - Disease Markers PB - Hindawi Publishing Corporation KW - ER -