Ty-jour A2 - 刘,正文Au - Mio,Catia Au - CIFù,阿德里安娜Au - Marzinotto,Stefania Au - Bergamin,Natascha Au - Caldana,Chiara Au - Cattarossi,Silvia Au - Cmet,Sara Au - Cussight,Anarosa Au -Martinella,Romina Au - Zucco,Jessica Au - Verardo,Roberto Au - Schneider,Claudio Au - Marcon,Barbara Au - Zampieri,Stefania Au - Pipan,Corrado Au - Curcio,Francesco Py - 2020 da - 2020/12/09 -一种简化的快速检测SARS-COV-2感染的方法避免RNA提取:工作流程验证SP - 8869424 VL - 2020 AB - 严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-COV-2)感染从2020年初开始蔓延。The presence of viral RNA in samples by nucleic acid (NA) molecular analysis is the only method available to diagnose COVID-19 disease and to assess patients’ viral load. Since the demand for laboratory reagents has increased, there has been a worldwide shortage of RNA extraction kits. We, therefore, developed a fast and cost-effective viral genome isolation method that, combined with quantitative RT-PCR assay, detects SARS-CoV-2 RNA in patient samples. The method relies on the addition of Proteinase K followed by a controlled heat-shock incubation and, then, E基因RT-QPCR评估。验证了灵敏度,特异性,线性,可重复性和精度。它检测到10个病毒拷贝/样品,是急速的,并且已经在60名Covid-19感染患者中的特征。与自动提取方法相比,我们的预处理保证了与缩短分析时间和降低成本的优势相同的积极率。这是一种快速的工作流程,可以帮助医疗保健系统在感染的患者的快速鉴定中,例如在病原体相关的爆发期间。对于其内在特征,该工作流程适用于大型筛选。SN - 0278-0240 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8869424 do - 10.1155 / 2020/8869424 jf - 疾病标记pb - hindawi kw - er -