Dermatology Research and Practice

Dermatology Research and Practice/2020./一种rticle

Research Article |Open Access

Volume 2020. |文章ID. |

Aysha A. Alshahrani.那Rawan Al-Tuwaijri那Zainah A. Abuoliat, Mesnad Alyabsi, Mohammed I. AlJasser, Rayan Alkhodair 沙特阿拉伯第三节护理中心脱发症状的患病率及临床特征“,Dermatology Research and Practice 卷。2020. 文章ID. 4. 页面 2020.


学术编辑:克雷格G. Burkhart.
已收到 20.Dec 2019
公认 22Feb 2020
发表 13.Mar 2020


介绍。Alopecia Areata(AA)是一种常见的自身免疫疾病,其特征在于非突出脱发的斑块。沙特阿拉伯AA的患病率和临床特征有限。我们的研究目的是描述沙特患者AA患者的患病率和临床特征。Materials and Methods。一种retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All patients diagnosed with AA between January 2016 and December 2017 were included. Data included patient demographics, type of AA, disease duration, family history of AA, and comorbid autoimmune diseases.Results。共有216例AA患者。AA的总体患病率约为2.3%。呈现时的平均疾病持续时间为2个月,而起始年龄的年龄是25.61岁。成人和儿科群体中最常见的AA类型是涉及头皮的蛋白质。在32.41%的患者中发现了同血症疾病。常见的相关病症包括甲状腺功能亢进,糖尿病和特应疾病。结论。The overall prevalence of AA among a population of Saudi patients is 2.3%. AA prevalence is higher in pediatrics than adults. Common comorbid conditions include hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and atopic diseases.


Alopecia Areata(AA)是由T细胞介导的毛囊的自身免疫破坏引起的非传动疾病[1]。在他们生命中的任何时候,普通人群体的风险约为2%的风险[23.]。The worldwide incidence of AA varies from 2.1%, 0.7%, to 3.8% in USA, India, and Singapore, respectively [4.]。报告显示,AA(5)中没有性别占优势。AA被认为是所有年龄组的疾病;但是,大多数患者在21-40岁时出现[5.]。Globally, AA onset was at 25 and 36 years of age in Singapore and USA, respectively [4.]。

有几个关于AA发病机制的假设。有人提出,病毒和细菌感染,内分泌,自身免疫,心理和遗传因素可能在AA发病机制中发挥作用[1]。One of the most important risk factors of developing AA is family history which is portrayed in one of the studies that showed the lifetime risk of AA was 7.1%, 7.8%, and 5.7% in siblings, parents, and children of patients with AA, respectively [5.6.]。另一个危险因素是特性,如60%的成年人和25%的儿科患者,患有个人或家庭历史的AA [5.7.8.]。

一种一种has three main variants which are patchy AA (localized hairless areas), alopecia totalis (entire scalp affected), and alopecia universalis affecting all body surface area [9.]。其他AA亚型包括Ophiasis(枕骨状和时间头皮中的带状脱发),Sisaipho(中央脱发滥用边缘发线)和漫射形式[5.]。一种一种severity can be divided into mild (≤3 patches), moderate (≥3 patches without alopecia totalis or universalis), and severe (alopecia totalis, universalis, and ophiasis) [10.]。

There are different treatment modalities for AA patients starting from minimal approach with topical or injectable corticosteroids to more extensive one with systemic immunomodulators. Treatment response varies depending on the severity of AA, age of onset, and other factors [1112]。尽管在沙特患者的日常练习中常见,但研究在我们的人口中有限,过时了[13.]。本研究旨在描述在沙特阿拉伯利雅得王塞阿卜杜拉省王的患者患者的患者患者的患病率和临床特征。


本研究是在阿卜杜勒齐王医学城市进行的回顾性横断面研究。它包括在2016年1月至2017年1月期间诊断出AA的所有患者。通过审查电子医疗记录回顾性收集数据。数据包括患者人口统计学,AA的类型,疾病持续时间,AA的家族史以及可同经的自身免疫疾病。AA的严重程度分为斑驳的无毛区域,如轻度/中度和秃头植物,普遍性或过喹氏症一样严重。使用样本量计算使用误差幅度为5%和95%的置信水平。最低推荐的样本大小为197.使用了便利采样技术。描述性统计数据被呈现为分类变量的频率和百分比(年龄类别,性别,AA,家族历史,合并症的存在,以及自身免疫疾病)。用于数值变量的平均值±标准偏差(发病持续时间和疾病持续时间)。相关的合并症和自身免疫疾病在脱发症状患者中的意义呈现为95%的置信区间。一种 值<0.05被认为是统计学上显着的。使用SAS统计软件版本9.4(SAS Institute Inc. Cary,NC)进行分析数据。本研究经机构审查委员会在阿卜杜拉国王国际医学研究中心(研究号码RC18 / 050 / R)批准。


共有216例AA患者(表1)。在研究期间,9,317名新患者被称为皮肤科诊所。因此,AA的总体流行率估计约为2.3%。儿科和成人病例分别占儿童和成人皮肤科诊所的所有新推荐的约4.24%和2%。发病的平均年龄为25.61±12.92岁。在22.6%的病例中观察到15岁之前的疾病发作。呈现时的平均疾病持续时间为2个月。与AA的男性不仅仅是女性比例为1.37:1。AA的家族史是6%的患者阳性。成人和儿科群中最常见的AA类型是涉及头皮的斑块类型(表2)。大多数患者患有轻度至中度AA 187(86.6%),而其余的AA 29(13.4%)。与成年人相比,儿童更容易具有严重的AA( )。AA和性别或合并症的严重程度没有统计学上有关的关联(表3.)。

Characteristic N

Mean age at onset (SD) 25.61(12.92)
 Male 125. 5.7.。8.7.
 Female 9.1 42.13
成人(≥14 years old) 16.7. 77.3.
儿科(<14 years old) 4.9. 22。6.9.
Alopecia Areata的家族史 13. 6.
自身免疫性疾病的家族史 12 5.5
(i)回应治疗 10.0. 4.6.。3.0.
(ii)活跃 18. 8.。3.3.
(iii) Stable 18. 8.。3.3.
(iv) Unknown 6.1 28.24
(v)未经治疗的头发再生 19. 8.8

Types of alopecia areata 一种dultsN(%) 儿科N(%) OverallN(%)

Patchy scalp 83(49.7) 22(44.89) 105(48.6)
Patchy scalp + patchy beard 14.(8.38) 0. 14.(6.48)
Patchy scalp + patchy limbs 1(0.6) 0. 1(0.46)
Patchy scalp + patchy eyebrows 1(0.6) 4.(8.16) 5.(2.3)
Patchy scalp + patchy eyelashes + patchy eyebrows 1(0.6) 4.(8.16) 5.(2.3)
Patchy Scalp + Patchy Beard +斑驳的眉毛 1(0.6) 0. 1(0.46)
Patchy eyebrows 3(1.8) 5.(10.2) 8.(3.7)
斑点四肢 2(1.2) 0. 2(0.92)
斑驳的胡子 46(27.5) 0. 4.6.(21.3)
Totalis\subtotalis 7.(4.19) 3(6.12) 10(4.63)
普遍存在 1(0.6) 3(6.12) 4.(1.85)
扩散 2(1.2) 1(2.04) 3(1.39)
Ophiasis. 5(2.99) 7.(14.29) 12(5.56)
Total 16.7.(77.31) 4.9.(22.69) 216(100)

Mild-to-moderate (N = 187) Severe (N = 29) value

 Male (N = 125) 112(89.6%) 13.(10.4%) 0.12
 Female (N = 91) 75(82.4%) 16(17.6%)
 Adult (N = 167) 152(89.4%) 15(10.6%) <0.01
 Pediatric (N = 49) 35(71.4%) 14(28.6%)
 Yes (N = 70) 5.8.(82.9%) 12(17.1%) 0.26
 No (N = 146) 129(88.4%) 17.(11.6%)

一种ssociated diseases were found in 70 (32.41%) patients (Table4.)。甲状腺功能减退和糖尿病等the most common comorbidities. Atopy was found in 13.89% of patients with asthma being the most common followed by atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. A positive family history of autoimmune disease was found in 5.5% of cases. Response to therapy was noted in 46.3% of patients, and spontaneous hair regrowth was found in 8.8%.

合并 Mild-to-moderate (N = 187) Severe (N = 29) TotalN(%)

Hypothyroidism 15. 3. 18.(8.33)
一种sthma 14. 2 16(7.41)
糖尿病糖尿病 9. 2 11(5.09)
一种topic dermatitis 5. 3. 8(3.70)
一种llergic rhinitis 6. 0. 6(2.78)
Psoriasis 3. 1 4.(1.85)
白癜风 3. 0. 3(1.39)
Rheumatoid arthritis 1 1 2(0.93)
Systemic lupus erythematous 1 0. 1(0.46)
Seborrheic dermatitis 1 0. 1(0.46)
Total 5.8. 12 7.0.(32.41)


一种lthough AA is stressful disorder with social stigma, studies on its prevalence and clinical characteristics are limited in Saudi Arabia. The prevalence of AA in our study was 2.3% which is comparable with the worldwide figures [14.]。In the United States, the prevalence of AA was approximately 2% [15.] while it is slightly more in Japan reaching 2.45% [16.]。一种lthough AA is a disease of all ages, it is more prevalent in the younger age group. In this study, the prevalence in children was 4.24% with lower prevalence in adults (2%). In one meta-analysis, similar findings were demonstrated as higher prevalence of AA in children 1.83% (1.21–2.58%) compared to adults 1.64% (1.30–2.03%) [17.]。

以前的研究表明,疾病发作在前2年的生命中的患者更严重的AA [7.8.]。In our study, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of severity between adults and children. Pediatric patients were more likely to have severe AA as compared with adults ( )。

The mean age of onset of AA in the present study was 25.61. This is similar to some previous studies of Asians with AA. The reported age of onset was 25.2, 28.98, 36.3, and 32.2 in Singapore, China, USA, and Taiwan, respectively [4.]。Studies in the literature with regard to gender predominance in AA are conflicting. A systematic review concluded that there is no difference in the incidence of AA between males and females [4.]。我们的研究表明AA的男性优势,而其他研究表明女性主要[18.]。一种一种has different types with patchy scalp being the most predominant type in our study as shown in agreement with previous studies [4.]。




The overall prevalence of AA in our study population is 2.3%. AA prevalence is higher among children than adults. Furthermore, children were more likely to have severe AA. The severity of AA was not associated with gender or the presence of comorbidities. Several comorbid conditions were found to be common in our patients including hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and atopic diseases. Future prospective studies with larger sample size might be required to further characterize clinical features, risk factors, and treatment response among Saudi patients with AA.



Ethical Approval

IRB批准现状:由Abdullah国王国际医学研究中心(RC18 / 050 / R国王)审查和批准。

Conflicts of Interest



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