TY - JOUR A2 - Gong, Bin AU - Zhang, Guibin AU - Zhang, Wenquan AU - Wang, Hailong AU - Cao, Siwen AU - Wu, Yuliang AU - Wang, Zaiyong PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/15 TI - Research on Arch Model and Numerical Simulation of Critical Water and Sand Inrush in Coal Mine near Unconsolidated Layers SP - 6644849 VL - 2020 AB - With the continuous increase of the upper limit of coal mining, in mining areas near unconsolidated layers, water and sand inrush disasters occur from time to time, seriously threatening the safety of mine production.本文使用机械分析法和数值模拟法分析非合并层附近采掘引水沙事故过程,该法基于仓卸原则并包并加之水沙实特征关键水沙冲浪机制解释论文还提议并搭建三大总机理模型(闭合大桥、绑定大桥和过渡大桥),推导出闭合大桥和过渡大桥数学表达法,并获取大桥关键不稳定条件及其影响因素研究结果对水沙灾难的发生和对非合并层附近采矿破坏程度判断具有指导意义SN-1468-8115UR-https://doi.org/101155/206644849DO-10.1155/206644849JF-GeofluidsPB-HindawiKW-ER