TY - JOUR A2 - Chen, Shengnan AU - Jiang, Yujing AU - Chen, Yongqiang AU - Cheng, Xianzhen AU - Luan, Hengjie AU - Zhang, Sunhao AU - Zhao, Qizheng AU - Han,非持续节理剪切行为与声发射特性试验研究SP - 8815467 VL - 2020 AB -岩体结构面剪切行为在很大程度上控制着岩体的稳定性。为研究非贯通节理对岩体剪切特性的影响,对含不同裂隙的类岩石材料进行了室内剪切试验。结果表明:含不同裂纹试件的剪应力-位移曲线变化趋势基本相似,且具有相同的阶段特征;当裂纹长度较短时,弹性阶段延长,峰值抗剪强度下降,峰值抗剪强度和残余抗剪强度对应的剪切位移随裂纹长度的增加而增加。当裂纹长度较长时,弹性阶段缩短,峰值抗剪强度减小,峰值抗剪强度对应的剪切位移随着裂纹长度的增加而增加。随着裂纹长度的增加,峰值剪应力逐渐减小。单侧裂缝试件的抗剪强度远远高于双侧裂缝试件的抗剪强度。试件的抗剪强度不仅受裂纹长度的影响,而且还受裂纹分布的影响。声发射计数峰值出现在剪切应力急剧下降时,并随裂纹长度的增加呈反“S”型变化趋势。 The inclination angle of the fracture decreases, the roughness of the fracture surface decreases, and the proportion of the wear area on the fracture surface increases gradually with the increase of the crack length. The AE source decreases with the increase of the crack length, and their locations are obviously asymmetric. This work can greatly contribute to the insight into the shear failure mechanism of rock discontinuities with nonpersistent joints. SN - 1468-8115 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8815467 DO - 10.1155/2020/8815467 JF - Geofluids PB - Hindawi KW - ER -