ty -jour a2 -collett,Timothy S. Au -Shen,Zhenhuan au -yu,Bingsong au -bai -bai,chenyang au -han,han,shujun au -liu -huimin py -2020 da -2020/2020/21 ti-212/21 ti-- 中国Bohai Bay Basin,Bohai Bay sp -8883297 VL -2020 AB -Colcite静脉与层床平行的方解石静脉 - 平行于湖泊页岩中的平行方解石静脉,与床上用品平行,在始新世dongying Dongying抑郁症的层压源岩石中广泛开发。但是,缺乏对静脉的系统描述和分类。这项研究通过应用岩石学和地球化学方法来理解静脉形成机制,对方解石静脉,宿主岩石和微碳酸盐层进行了系统的特征。检查了抗癌和语法静脉。抗X.静脉含有典型的纤维晶体,其荧光最强烈,这些静脉的中值区域通常是微碳酸盐。语法静脉中的方解石晶体发展出各种大小的块状形态,表明显而易见的生长竞争。从微层,宿主岩石和方解石静脉获得的稀土元素和微量元素的数据非常相似。这表明形成静脉的营养素来自宿主岩石和微层层中的碳酸盐。在宿主岩石中方解石静脉和微碳酸盐之间的C和SR同位素的较小差异以及静脉中O同位素的负移位是由离子交换和埋葬环境中溶胀粘土矿物的脱水引起的。 This further proves that the calcite veins are formed in a closed system. Geochemical analysis suggests that the rocks are in the oil window and have good hydrocarbon potential. Thermal evolution of the acidic fluids generated from organic matter (OM) resulted in the dissolution of carbonate and formed fluid overpressure in the rocks. Fluid overpressure induced the formation of fractures in the interlayer and expanded the veins with the force of crystallization due to fibrous calcite growth. Blocky crystals grow in the fractures from the margins toward the center. Hydrocarbon expulsed via OM maturation in the host rock fills the intercrystalline pores. Moreover, shale with bedding-parallel calcite has the characteristics of high-quality shale oil reservoirs. These characteristics will probably provide guidance for shale oil exploration. SN - 1468-8115 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8883297 DO - 10.1155/2020/8883297 JF - Geofluids PB - Hindawi KW - ER -