TY - Jour A2 - Andersen,Mathias N. Au - Ambachew Mekonnen,Sisay Au - Sintayehu,Asseefa Py - 2020 Da - 2020/03/26 - 在戈尼尔斯西部低地监管赤字灌溉应用下的芝麻绩效评估,ethiopia sp - 3760349 vl - 2020 ab - 芝麻(
芝麻纪录L.)是在埃塞俄比亚产生的领先石油种子作物。这是该国出口市场的第二大农产品。它非常适合作为替代作物生产系统,它具有较低的作物用水要求,对土壤水分缺陷的中度抗性。埃塞俄比亚北部的低地是该国的主要芝麻制片人,整个生产都来自雨水。西北埃塞俄比亚的降雨分布显着变化。这种显着的降雨变异振动了芝麻的生产率。灌溉农业有可能稳定作物生产,并减轻可变降雨的负面影响。提出了该研究,以确定芝麻最容易受土壤水分缺陷的关键生长阶段,并在缺陷灌溉下评估芝麻的作物水产生产率。在埃塞俄比亚北部戈尼尔农业研究中心(Metema Station)测试了芝麻与阶段明智和均匀的缺陷灌溉调度技术的性能。在2017年灌溉季节,评估了八种治疗,四个阶段 - 明智的赤字,两种均匀赤字,一个最佳灌溉应用,以及一个最佳灌溉应用。 The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block design with three replications. Plant phenological variables, grain yield and crop water productivity, were used for performance evaluation. The result showed that deficit irrigation can be applied both throughout and at selected growth stages except the midseason stage. Imposing deficit during the midseason gave the lowest yield indicating the severe effect of water deficit during flowering and capsule initiation stages. When deficit irrigation is induced throughout, a 25% uniform deficit irrigation can give the highest crop water productivity with no or little yield reduction as compared with optimal irrigation. Implementing deficit irrigation scheduling technique will be beneficial for sesame production. Imposing 75% deficit at the initial, development, late season growth stages or 25% deficit irrigation throughout whole seasons will improve sesame crop water productivity. SN - 1687-8159 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/3760349 DO - 10.1155/2020/3760349 JF - International Journal of Agronomy PB - Hindawi KW - ER -