TY -的A2 Kuk Kamath永盟-库马拉斯AU -巴拉,Mamatha盟,您正在Srikanth PY - 2020 DA - 2020/06/29 TI -水稻作物和杂草歧视:多分类器系统的方法SP - 6474536六世- 2020 AB -杂草是多余的植物生长作物之一。这些杂草会显著降低农业产量和质量。不幸的是,在大多数情况下,没有遵循特定地点的杂草管理。也就是说,不是用特定类型的除草剂来处理一块地,而是用喷洒除草剂来处理这块地。这种除草剂的广泛应用导致了抗除草剂杂草的产生,对自然环境产生了许多不良影响。这促使许多研究寻求最有效的杂草管理技术。其中一项技术是基于计算机视觉的杂草自动检测和识别。利用这项技术,可以检测和识别杂草,并向农民推荐合适的除草剂。因此,如何成功地从数字图像中识别和分类作物和杂草是计算机视觉技术的重要内容。摘要研究了利用支持向量机和随机森林分类器建立的多分类器系统对数字图像中的水稻作物和杂草进行分类。 Digital images of paddy crops and weeds from the paddy fields were acquired using three different cameras fixed at different heights from the ground. Texture, color, and shape features were extracted from the digital images after background subtraction and used for classification. A simple and new method was used as a decision function in the multiple classifier systems. An accuracy of 91.36% was obtained by the multiple classifier systems and was found to outperform single classifier systems. SN - 1687-8159 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6474536 DO - 10.1155/2020/6474536 JF - International Journal of Agronomy PB - Hindawi KW - ER -