International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting

About this Journal

Aims and scope

International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting旨在提供一个高quality and timely forum for engineers, researcher and educators whose interests are in digital multimedia broadcasting to learn recent developments, to share related challenges, to compare multi-standards and further to design new and improved systems.

Subject areas include (but are not limited to):

  • Multimedia broadcasting overall system and standardization
  • Multimedia signal compression and coding for broadcasting
  • Multimedia streaming and control
  • IPTV with broadcasting
  • Multimedia content services and digital rights management over broadcasting
  • Modulation and demodulation
  • Channel estimation and equalization
  • VLSI design and system-on-chip implementation for multimedia broadcasting reception
  • Cross layer analysis and integration
  • Single-chip solution
  • Power and spectral efficiency
  • Antenna and propagation for multimedia transmission and reception
  • Multi-standards compatibility and multi-systems interoperability
  • Spectrum management and usage
  • Multi-bands frequency interface issues
  • Filed-trials and testing analyses
  • Quality of service and quality of experience in multimedia broadcasting

    Bibliographic information

    ISSN: 1687-7578 (Print)
    ISSN: 1687-7586 (Online)
    DOI: 10.1155/9246

      Open Access

      International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcastingis an open access journal. All articles are immediately available to read and reuse upon publication. More information about our Open Access policy can be found on ourcopyright page.


        Editorial enquiries should be directed

        General enquiries should be directed

          International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
          Journal metrics
          Acceptance rate 45%
          Submission to final decision 66 days
          Acceptance to publication 137天
          CiteScore 1.200
          Impact Factor -

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