International Journal of Photoenergy

Table of Contents: 2015

  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 347023
  • -Research Article

Regression Model to Predict Global Solar Irradiance in Malaysia

Hairuniza Ahmed Kutty | Muhammad Hazim Masral | Parvathy Rajendran
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 865041
  • -Research Article

Effect of Installation of Solar Collector on Performance of Balcony Split Type Solar Water Heaters

Xu Ji | Ming Li | ... | Yunfeng Wang
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 734917
  • -Research Article

Effect of the Side Chains and Anode Material on Thermal Stability and Performance of Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells Using DPP(TBFu)2Derivatives as Donor Materials

Alexander Kovalenko | Jana Honová | ... | Martin Weiter
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 583052
  • -Research Article

Photostability of Loratadine Inclusion Complexes with Natural Cyclodextrins

Patricia Elizabeth Rivas-Granizo | Leandro Giorgetti | Humberto Gomes Ferraz
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 479178
  • -Research Article

Simple Moving Voltage Average Incremental Conductance MPPT Technique with Direct Control Method under Nonuniform Solar Irradiance Conditions

Amjad Ali | Wuhua Li | Xiangning He
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 532489
  • -Research Article

How to Control Component Ratio of Conducting Polymer Blend for Organic Photovoltaic Devices by Annealing

Bobins Augustine | Tapio Fabritius
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 643708
  • -Research Article

Removal of Refractory Organics from Biologically Treated Landfill Leachate by Microwave Discharge Electrodeless Lamp Assisted Fenton Process

Jiuyi Li | Lele Qin | ... | Yanmei Zhou
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • -Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 907282
  • -Research Article

Safety Analysis of Solar Module under Partial Shading

Wei He | Fengshou Liu | ... | Hongbing Chen
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 471364
  • -Research Article

Design of Solar Optical Fiber Lighting System for Enhanced Lighting in Highway Tunnel Threshold Zone: A Case Study of Huashuyan Tunnel in China

Xiaochun Qin | Xuefeng Zhang | ... | Hao Han
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 863637
  • -Research Article

Probabilistic Modeling of Partial Shading of Photovoltaic Arrays

Yaw-Juen Wang | Ruey-Long Sheu
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • -Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 183468
  • -Research Article

Synthesis of CuO/Co3O4Coaxial Heterostructures for Efficient and Recycling Photodegradation

R. X. Chen | S. L. Zhu | ... | Z. Y. Li
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 963562
  • -Research Article

Parameter Optimization of Single-Diode Model of Photovoltaic Cell Using Memetic Algorithm

Yourim Yoon | Zong Woo Geem
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • -Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 637652
  • -Research Article

New 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Based Photosensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs)

Umer Mehmood | Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein | Muhammad Daud
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • -Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 708568
  • -Research Article

Evaluation of La-Doped Mesoporous Bioactive Glass as Adsorbent and Photocatalyst for Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution

Liying Li | Huanrui Shi | ... | Weijian Lin
  • International Journal of Photoenergy-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2015
  • -Article ID 428103
  • -Research Article

Improved Photocatalytic Performance of a Novel Fe3O4@SiO2/Bi2SiO5Hierarchical Nanostructure with Magnetic Recoverability

鑫鑫张董|小李|…| Xiufang张
International Journal of Photoenergy
Journal metrics
Acceptance rate 46%
Submission to final decision 63 days
Acceptance to publication 34 days
CiteScore 3.000
Impact Factor 1.880

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