Ty -Jour A2 -Kaskel,F。J. Au -Vuralli,Dogus py -2019 da -2019/06/19 Ti-新生儿和婴儿期低钙血症的临床方法:应该治疗谁?SP -4318075 VL -2019 AB- 介绍。低钙血症是新生儿时期和婴儿期常见的代谢问题。对有症状病例的治疗有共识,而启动治疗的钙水平,在无症状低钙血症中仍存在争议的治疗方案。 方法。这篇评论文章将涵盖低钙血症,具体提及钙稳态以及定义,病因,诊断和治疗新生儿和婴儿期低钙血症。 结果。低钙血症定义为总血清<8 mg/dl(2 mmol/l)或离子化钙<4.4 mg/dl(1.1 mmol/l),适用于婴儿或早产儿在出生时重量> 1500 g的婴儿,总血清钙<7 mg/dL (1.75 mmol/L) or ionized calcium <4 mg/dL (1 mmol/L) for very low birth weight infants weighing <1500 g. Early-onset hypocalcemia is generally asymptomatic; therefore, screening for hypocalcemia at the 24th and 48th hour after birth is warranted for infants with high risk of developing hypocalcemia. Late-onset hypocalcemia, which is generally symptomatic, develops after the first 72 h and toward the end of the first week of life. Excessive phosphate intake, hypomagnesemia, hypoparathyroidism, and vitamin D deficiency are commonest causes of late-onset hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia should be treated according to etiology. Calcium replacement is the cornerstone of the treatment. Elementary calcium replacement of 40 to 80 mg/kg/d is recommended for asymptomatic newborns. Elementary calcium of 10 to 20 mg/kg (1–2 mL/kg/dose 10% calcium gluconate) is given as a slow intravenous infusion in the acute treatment of hypocalcemia in patients with symptoms of tetany or hypocalcemic convulsion. 结论。由于大多数患有低钙血症的婴儿通常是无症状的,因此必须在胎龄<32周的早产儿中监测血清总或电离钙水平Apgar得分<4。低钙血症的治疗应立即在研究病因时立即在钙水平降低的婴儿中开始。SN -1687-9740 UR -https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4318075 DO -10.1155/2019/2019/4318075 JF-国际儿科杂志PB- Hindawi KW -ER- ER-