鸟类是具有巨大的生态,经济和审美价值的生物多样性的最重要的组成部分之一。这项研究的主要目的是评估在Kafta谢拉若国家公园,埃塞俄比亚北部鸟类群落的多样性和物种组成。数据是在国家公园收集了2017年八月到2018年三月。点数法被用来收集数据对鸟类物种多样性和物种组成。鸟类和讨论,与当地人民和球探的直接观测,以评估鸟类的潜在威胁在公园被做了。香农多样性指数来计算的物种多样性。共属于52周不同的家庭和20项目158种鸟类被发现。记录的物种中,有76.6%的居民,15.8%,古北界移民(PM),5.7%,非洲内部的移民(IM),以及1.9%的部分移民。Accipitiridae(11.4%)有最高的物种随后鸠鸽,Estrilidae和织布鸟科用7%,5.7%,和4.4%的物种,分别。最高的香农 - 威纳多样性指数(H′ = 4.50) was recorded during February while the lowest (H′ = 2.18) was recorded during March. Species richness of the park showed no significance difference among the study months (χ2 = 10.046, dF = 5, )。农业扩张,火灾,放牧,采矿和偷猎是公园鸟类的主要威胁。Kafta谢拉若国家公园是在埃塞俄比亚高禽流组成的地区之一。在公园,观赏野生动物特别是在一般和鸟类旅游应发展。人为干扰也应该最小化以节约公园鸟类多样性。
繁殖策略Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus(Lacepede,1803),在自然环境中Nkam河,滨海喀麦隆
对生殖策略研究Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus从2015年10月至2016年8月进行,在Nkam河Yabassi,喀麦隆滨海地区。为此,154标本C. nigrodigitatuswith total mean weight of 829.96 ± 829.58 g and total mean length of 367 ± 156 mm collected from artisanal fishermen were used. Twenty-nine (29) females at stage V of sexual maturity were selected for the evaluation of the fecundity. It appears that the oogenesis inC. nigrodigitatus是异步类型与多个传播铺设在长时间内的。The gonadosomatic index (GSI) peaks in June (17.9 ± 7.1 for females and 1.06 ± 0.27 for males). Hepatosomatic index (HSI) was higher in females than in males throughout the year. The mean condition factor K was 1.07 ± 0.09%. The breeding season occurred from April to October during the rainy season. Gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices were positively correlated with rainfall, contrary to the K factor, which has been strongly and negatively correlated with this physical parameter. The sex ratio of 1M: 1.5F was in favour of females, thus reflecting an “[R”键入生殖策略。Absolute fecundity was estimated at 1374 ± 1022 oocytes for individuals of 107.3 ± 111.9 g mean weight. Mean relative fecundity was 14 ± 3 oocytes/g of body weight. It was recommended that future work focuses on the captivity of this species.
本研究的目的是在三个盐水湿地,位于塞提夫地区,东北阿尔及利亚评估昆虫群的生物多样性。为了确定在昆虫群的分布的主要环境因素,六个不同的站和在每个站三个断面根据植物和土壤盐分在各断面的分布被选择。结果进行分析,不同的生态指标和分析方法应用,2016年至2017年隶属9个目,71个科,131种昆虫个体的总从三个地点收集。最高丰度是鞘翅目(38.17%),而最低的丰度在蜉蝣目(1.53%)发现。个人的最高数字(11438)在Bazer网站被发现在2016年,而最低数量的个人(4921)在现场沼在文思2017年昆虫的丰度最高(109)录得断面BS1T16,最低物种丰度录样带HS1T36。多样性和公平性指数在HS1T16显示最高值(H = 4,356) and HS1T37 (Ë = 0.7282). Some ecological parameters showed a significant relationship between the insects occurrence, distribution of plants, and type of soil.
在维娜司在阿达马瓦高原的牧场密集出没Stomoxyinae,但鲜为人知的是,它们的物种组成和生态。陷阱-样线调查是在三个村庄进行:Galim,Mbidjoro和Velambai,使用恩济(ñ = 3), Vavoua (ñ = 3), and Biconical (ñ = 3) traps, all baited with octenol. Three traps of each trap type were set in each of the study villages, and collections were carried out daily. In total, 3,762螫蝇属。自2016年十月收集至六月2017年使用标准键标识分为五个种类:螫蝇尼日尔尼日尔,小号。钙质,小号。尼日尔bilineatus,小号。欧米加和小号。xanthomelas。Galim记录stomoxyines(30 stomoxyines /告警/天)具有统计学上差异显著的最高表观密度( )。瓦武阿陷阱是为Stomoxyinae采集的理想工具。Stomoxyines大量发生在旱季结束(2017年3月)和雨季的开始(五月2017)。本月的总雨量积极的影响Stomoxyinae月的ADT。他们昼夜刺骨的活动是在雨季双峰和单峰在旱季。The daily activity peak was between 14 h and 16 h with a mean temperature of 31°C, a mean wind speed of 1.5 m/s, and a mean humidity of 50%. The daily trap catch was positively influenced by temperature and wind speed but negatively influenced by rainfall and air humidity. Weather variables influenced螫蝇属。每月和每日的ADT。
淡水蟹的异速生长Potamon algeriense(博特,1967)(十足目,短尾,溪蟹科)在瓦迪Zegzel,溪流,在摩洛哥东北
一个形态的研究已进行了首次在淡水蟹的人口Potamon algeriense栖息瓦迪Zegzel,下穆卢耶河的一条支流,在摩洛哥东北部。螃蟹被挖掘的洞穴,并在搜索块每月收集在一年以上(2017年10月至九月2018)。共获得669只螃蟹,291名女性和378名男性。甲宽(CW)之间进行回归分析,作为基准尺寸和湿重(WW),甲长(CL),所述螯足的长度和腹部的宽度(AL和AW),以及长度和宽度(Chl和CHW)被选择作为因变量,使用异速方法。基于萨默顿的技术,性成熟期发病时间估计在27毫米CW发生男性和32毫米CW为女性。记录的增长模式P. algeriense与物质相关繁殖策略,即,制备的参与了女性采集和卵孵化,如分别阳螯足和阴腹部,身体部位。其中291位女性进行采样,10.20%是左撇子和89.80%,均为右利手,而其中的378层检查的男性,10.32%是左撇子和89.68%,均为右利手。得出的结论是,螯足宽度和腹部的宽度P. algeriense是形态变量,最适合在这个物种的雄性和雌性性成熟的开始,分别估计大小。
组成和鸟类的多样性变化,沿着一个人 - 改进区,Kelaniya的大学,斯里兰卡不同植被生境类型
保护鸟类的角色都有营养栖息地修改过程中已经至少考虑,在鸟类保护区和斯里兰卡的城市景观进行了研究。本研究的目的是评估在Kelaniya的,人改性区大学景观和组合物和鸟类的分布之间的关系。该研究进行选择8个生境,包括空地,低,中等,和高度树木茂密的栖息地。A survey was conducted from 0530 to 0730 hr in the morning and 1630-1830 hr in the evening from August to December 2016 ensuring eight sampling events at each habitat. Point counting method (15 m radius) was used along a 100 m line transect. Species diversity parameters were analyzed. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to characterize the habitats with bird species. A total of 40 species were recorded. Species richness (r = 27) and species heterogeneity (H′ = 3.09) were the highest in Mee amba sevana habitat while species evenness (J = 0.977) was the highest in medical center area habitat. Total abundance (n = 135) was recorded in Saiba ground. Asian brown flycatcher (Saiba ground, medical center area, Mee amba sevana, Girls’ Hostel complex, and English language unit habitats) and white-bellied drongo (Saiba ground, medical center area, Girls’ Hostel complex, English language unit, and Thal weta premises) were widely distributed (z > 0, Kruskal-Wallis, Minitab 14). The second largest distribution was recorded by black-hooded oriole, blue-tailed bee-eater, cattle egret, feral pigeon, brown-headed barbet, red-vented bulbul, and rose-ringed parakeet within four habitats (z > 0, Kruskal-Wallis). According to the PCA, Saiba ground habitat was categorized by open ground dwelling birds, and Mee amba sevana was characterized by frugivorous birds, while Girls’ Hostel complex habitat was characterized by carnivorous birds. Comparatively, medical center area habitat contributes to the highest species diversity with many flowering and fruiting trees while providing sufficient food resources and high floral structural complexity. Recorded avifaunal community composition ensures considerable conservation value to university premises of Kelaniya. Awareness and monitoring programs are recommended for sustainable conservation of bird species in Kelaniya.