TY - JOUR A2 - Papadimitriou, Eleonora AU - Zhang, Qi AU - Zhuang, Yanhui AU - Wei, Yuguang AU - Jiang, Hao AU - Yang, Hao PY - 2020 DA - 2020/02/01 TI - Railway Safety Risk Assessment and Control Optimization Method Based on FTA-FPN: A Case Study of Chinese High-Speed Railway Station SP - 3158468 VL - 2020 AB - In order to make safety risk assessment more accurately and more reasonably for high-speed railway station in China, this paper analyzes risk factors of fault tree and transfers the fault tree of risk accident into fuzzy petri net and then builds the FPN-FTA model by combining the dynamic weighting fuzzy petri net (FPN) and fault tree analysis (FTA) based on the latter.论文模拟FTA-FPN模型和Statef流Matlab软件并设计离散粒子群优化算法解决风险控制模型最后,本文选择Shijiazhuang高速火车站的印记事故作为案例研究的范例,评估印记风险水平并获取该站的风险控制机制结果验证模型和算法的可行性和有效性SN-0197-6729UR-https://doi.org/101155/203158468DO-10.1155/203158468JF-高级交通PB杂志HindawiKW-ER