Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Acceptance rate 15%
Submission to final decision 59 days
Acceptance to publication 29 days
CiteScore 0.720
Impact Factor -


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Journal of Control Science and Engineering公布的控制系统和应用程序的方法和技术研究调查设计,仿真和建模,执行和分析。


Journal of Control Science and Engineeringmaintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.

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Research Article

An Improved Method of Particle Swarm Optimization for Path Planning of Mobile Robot

The existing particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has the disadvantages of application limitations and slow convergence speed when solving the problem of mobile robot path planning. This paper proposes an improved PSO integration scheme based on improved details, which integrates uniform distribution, exponential attenuation inertia weight, cubic spline interpolation function, and learning factor of enhanced control. Compared with other standard functions, our improved PSO (IPSO) can achieve better optimal results with less number of iteration steps than the different four path planning algorithms developed in the existing literature. IPSO makes the optimal path length with less than 20 iteration steps and reduces the path length and simulation time by 2.8% and 1.1 seconds, respectively.

Research Article



Research Article



Research Article

Design of PI Controller for Voltage Controller of Four-Phase Interleaved Boost Converter Using Particle Swarm Optimization

本文介绍了电压反馈使用由元启发式优化PI控制器调谐增益对于四相位控制交错升压转换器。的元启发式优化,粒子群优化(PSO),遗传算法(GA)和禁忌搜索(TS)被施加到找到所提出的控制系统的最佳增益。在实验中,所设计的控制系统与MATLAB / Simulink的DSP板TMS320F28335实现。在本文中,有在测试控制系统的两个条件,无负载和有负载。通过PSO所提出的控制系统调谐增益的响应结果是没有过冲和方法,以稳定状态比GA和TS方法更好。此外,它能够根据这两个无负载和有负载条件的控制信号在恒定的水平,以维持输出电压反馈。其结果是,四相交错式升压转换是通过用PSO PI控制器调谐增益,其能有效地保持两个等级的电压调节。

Research Article

Research on Key Control Technology of Intelligent Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Facility

一个聪明的滚动接触疲劳试验设备ent is developed, and the control methods are presented. For obtaining the slip accurately, the control method based on master-slave synchronization is proposed. For controlling the loads in high precision, the control method took into consideration the influence by two factors, displacement and the load. The nonlinear interference and excess torque in load control are effectively suppressed. Based on the SIMOTION D425 which is the Siemens integrated motion control system, the control system architecture of the intelligent rolling contact fatigue test equipment is constructed. The solutions of slip ratio and the experimental load controlled by these methods are satisfactory with the requirement of design precision. In the validation experiment, the load control accuracy is ±3%, the average error of load control is 1.77%, and the average error of slip control is 0.26%. The experiment results show the proposed control methods are feasible and effective.

Research Article

An Enhanced Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm to the Bin Packing Problem

蚱蜢优化算法(GOA)是一种新颖的元启发式算法。由于其易于部署和精度高的,它被广泛应用于各种工业场景,取得了良好的解决方案。但是,在同一时间,该算法GOA有一些缺点:(1)原线性收敛参数将导致勘探和开采不平衡的处理;(2)不稳定的收敛速度;和(3)容易陷入局部最优。在本文中,我们提出使用非线性收敛参数,小生机制增强的蚂蚱优化算法(EGOA),以及β-hill climbing technique to overcome the abovementioned shortcomings. In order to evaluate EGOA, we first select the benchmark set of GOA authors to test the performance improvement of EGOA compared to the basic GOA. The analysis includes exploration ability, exploitation ability, and convergence speed. Second, we select the novel CEC2019 benchmark set to test the optimization ability of EGOA in complex problems. According to the analysis of the results of the algorithms in two benchmark sets, it can be found that EGOA performs better than the other five metaheuristic algorithms. In order to further evaluate EGOA, we also apply EGOA to the engineering problem, such as the bin packing problem. We test EGOA and five other metaheuristic algorithms in SchWae2 instance. After analyzing the test results by the Friedman test, we can find that the performance of EGOA is better than other algorithms in bin packing problems.

Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Acceptance rate 15%
Submission to final decision 59 days
Acceptance to publication 29 days
CiteScore 0.720
Impact Factor -

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