D’elios, Mario M. AU - Gu, yehwa AU - Yamashita, Takenori AU - Inoue, Tota AU - Song, Jin-Ho AU - Kang,TI - Cellular and Molecular Level Mechanisms against Electrochemical Cancer Therapy SP - 3431674 VL - 2019 AB - electrotreatment (ECT)是一种很有前途的新方法,通过直流电流入癌症组织诱导肿瘤消退。在不同类型肿瘤的临床研究中,ECT均取得了良好的效果。此外,在疗效评价、剂量反应和细胞毒性方面的基础研究几乎没有开展。因此,目的是研究ECT抗肿瘤作用的细胞机制,为ECT的基础研究提供数据。在细胞水平的研究中,肿瘤细胞(肉瘤-180,Scc-7, Ehrlich癌)使用ICR小鼠和C3H小鼠进行研究。研究组分别测量对照组、10mA × 150s组、10mA × 300s组、10mA × 600s组pH值各5次。组织学水平研究中,对C3H小鼠右脚上端接种的肿瘤进行ECT。各组小鼠在ECT治疗后6、12、24 h脱位处死,并切除肿瘤。将切除的肿瘤用10%福尔马林固定在组织中,对获得的组织切片和观察进行HE染色和凋亡抗体染色。 In the study at the cellular level, statistically significant differences were observed in all ECT groups in Sarcoma in the tumor growth measurement study compared with the control group. Statistically significant differences were also observed in Scc-7 in all ECT groups compared to the control group. In the intratumoral pH measurement study, there was a statistically significant difference between the anode and the cathode in each group compared to the control group. In the examination at the histological level, microscopic observation of a slide stained with apoptosis antibody with a magnification of 400 times showed that 6hrs after ECT it was stronger and then decreased. By performing ECT, a weak current flows in the living body. As a result, changes in tissue pH, generation of gas, etc. occur. In this study, it was also confirmed that the intratumor pH value becomes strongly acidic on the anode side and strongly alkaline on the cathode side. In addition, this study confirmed the occurrence of gas during treatment of ECT. Changes in the pH and the like cause changes in the environment in the cell, denaturation of proteins, apoptosis, and necrosis. In this study, a significant increase in apoptosis was confirmed in each ECT group compared to the control group. Treatment effects by ECT were also observed in tumor growth measurement studies and tumor weight measurement studies. From these research results, ECT is considered to be effective as a tumor treatment method. SN - 2090-3057 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/3431674 DO - 10.1155/2019/3431674 JF - Journal of Pathogens PB - Hindawi KW - ER -