TY - JOUR A2 - D’Elios, Mario M. AU - Ahmadishooli, Arman AU - Davoodian, Parivash AU - Shoja, Saeed AU - Ahmadishooli, Bita AU - Dadvand, Habib AU - Hamadiyan, Hosein AU - Shahriarirad, Reza PY - 2020 DA - 2020/06/09 TI - Frequency and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Diabetic Foot Infection of Patients from Bandar Abbas District, Southern Iran SP - 1057167 VL - 2020 AB - Diabetic foot infection is among the most common complications of diabetes mellitus which significantly causes hospitalization and is the most prevalent etiology of nontraumatic amputation worldwide. The current study aimed at assessing the frequency and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of diabetic foot infection of patients from the Bandar Abbas area, in the south of Iran. In this study, a total of 83 diabetic patients with diabetic infected foot wounds referring to Shahid Mohammadi Hospital, Bandar Abbas, from 2017 to 2018 were assessed. Samples were obtained from wound sites and evaluated by aerobic culture and also an antibiogram test for antibiotic susceptibility. Factors including age, sex, type of diabetes, the medication used for diabetes, previous history of diabetic foot infection, duration of wound incidence, fever, and laboratory indices were recorded for each subject. The most prevalent detected bacteria were
Klebsiella sp。(12%),
enterobacter sp。(7.2%),和
acinetobacter sp。(6%)。抗体诊断测试的结果显示出最多和最低抗生素敏感性
Klebsiella sp。作为Amikacin和Cotrimoxazole,以及
enterobacter sp。作为Cotrimoxazole和Amikacin和Ciprofloxacin。
acinetobacter sp.。除Amikacin和庆大霉素外,所有抗生素均为100%。在C反应蛋白和患者的糖尿病足部感染生物之间发现了一个显着的统计关联(
大肠杆菌sp。作为感染研究人群中脚部病变的最常见的细菌。对于万古霉素,LINEZOLID和CARBAPENEM,可以看到最高的抗生素易感性。SN - 2090-3057 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1057167 do - 10.1155 / 2020/1057167 jf - 病理学Pb - Hindawi Kw - ER -