TY - JOUR A2 - alkhayyat, ahmed AU - Saleem, Khizra AU - Bajwa, Imran Sarwar AU - Sarwar, Nadeem AU - Anwar, Waheed AU - Ashraf, Amna PY - 2020 DA - 20/10/24 TI - IoTSP - 8882378 VL - 2020 AB -获得高质量的睡眠对每个人获得更好的身体健康都很重要。不规则的睡眠模式可能预示着导致慢性抑郁症的疾病,这使得对睡眠周期的评估成为健康身心的强制要求。在全球化的舞台上,随着设施的增加,在利用经济工具和技术提供高质量的保健设施方面也探讨了各种其他挑战。前言中,物联网(IoT)技术的发展旨在建立一个一致且具有成本效益的系统来监测患者的睡眠质量。有几个其他系统可用于此目的;然而,这种系统非常昂贵和难以实施。为了解决这个问题,这项研究提出了一种创新性的系统,利用环境参数来监测和分析睡眠模式。该系统非常有效,它可以熟练地使用商用现货(COS)传感器监测患者的睡眠,并利用随机森林模型的智能能力预测结果。通过该系统可以测量患者的生理状态,包括身体的运动、心跳、SPO2水平(身体正常功能所需的血氧饱和度)和打鼾模式,并将记录的数据实时传输到计算机系统。 This system consists of two parts. One part consists of analyzing the behavior of data using the intelligent technique of the random forest model and decision rules in a real-time environment. This real-time analysis notifies the caretaker about the situation of the patient. In the second part, batch data processing is performed which allows the detailed analysis of data using statistical methods to produce the overall condition of the patient in a specified interval of time. Through the proposed system, we can easily measure the sleep patterns of patients and provide them with better treatment by using this simple and cost-effective system. The result of the conducted research shows that the proposed technique provides 95% accuracy. The patient’s sleep data is used to test this method through the validation of manual results, which provides the minimum error rate. This study highlights the implementation of an intelligent and smart sleep quality monitoring system using IoT on a variant number of people with minimum expense rate. SN - 1687-725X UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8882378 DO - 10.1155/2020/8882378 JF - Journal of Sensors PB - Hindawi KW - ER -