TY - JOUR A2 - Ren, Zongming AU - Diallo, Aboudoulatif AU - Zotchi, Komi AU - Lawson-evi, Povi AU - Bakoma, Batomayena AU - Badjabaissi, Essotolom AU - Kwashie, Eklu-Gadegkeku PY - 2020 DA - 2020/09/22 TI-农药使用洛美(多哥)SP -8831873 VL -2020 AB的园丁使用实践 - 农药在非洲国家使用越来越多。这项研究的目的是评估农药对园丁健康的风险和影响。这是一项横向描述性研究,它是指2017年5月20日至6月5日在Lomé举行的蔬菜种植者。48(48)种种植者参与了这项研究。男性占研究人群的70.8%,占29.2%的女性。在大多数情况下,教育水平为主要(47.9%)。已婚人士或夫妇占案件的77.1%。大多数园丁(72.9%)没有在使用农药方面的培训。始终应用农药(100%),包括杀虫剂(72.7%),除草剂(9.1%)和杀菌剂(18.2%)。在收集的20种农药中,我们当局批准了9个(45%)。只有43.8%的种植者从农产品的授权结构提供农药。 Branches of plants (79.2%) were the spray means of most of the pesticides. Most gardeners (79, 2%) did not use personal protective equipment because of lack of resources for 81.6% of them. Water and environment contamination risk by pesticides was known by only 6.3% of gardeners. Among the adverse effects reported, pruritus was the majority in 85.4% of cases followed by headache (70.8%), cough (68.8%), and muscle pain (64.6%). The training of gardeners, monitoring and control of this informal sector, and the monitoring of unregistered pesticides will help to reduce the risk of poisoning of gardeners and consumers of vegetables as well as environmental pollution. SN - 1687-8191 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8831873 DO - 10.1155/2020/8831873 JF - Journal of Toxicology PB - Hindawi KW - ER -