ty -jour a2 -dirksen,U。au-requardé,Annelies au -Clement,Paul M. Au -au -bechter,Oliver E. Au -Dumez,Herlinde au -derbiest,Annelies au -sciot -sciot,raf au -au -hompes,hompes,daphne au -au- au- au--Sinnaeve,Friedl au -van Limbergen,Erik au -Schöffski,Patrick PY-2017 DA -2017/12/28 TI -Single -centre vincristine,ifosfamide和doxorubibicin and doxorubicin fte et poposide and ifosfamide,ifosfamide,ifosplamide,inifosfamide,infosfamide inf vincristine for vincristine tementer te体验EWING肉瘤SP的患者-1781087 VL -2017 AB-成年患者的Ewing肉瘤(ES)的治疗需要多学科方法。全身治疗仍然是该疾病临床管理的重要组成部分。ES在成年患者中极为罕见。由于这种疾病的稀有性,因此存在对成年人口的化学疗法的护理标准,并且单个药物或某些多药组合的证据水平有限。大多数在成人和儿童中都使用的方案包括蒽环类药物,依托泊苷,长春新碱,环磷酰胺和ifosfamide。在本报告中,我们描述了基于长春新碱,ifosfamide和阿霉素(VIA)和依托泊苷,ifosfamide和cisplatin组合(VIP)的三重组合疗法的交替使用(VIP)。我们回顾性地评估了成年患者的反应率,结果和耐受性(
n = 64) treated with VIA/VIP between 1990 and 2014. The patients included were treated with perioperative chemotherapy (53.1% neoadjuvant therapy and 17.2% adjuvant therapy) or had synchronous metastases at diagnosis (29.7%). Five-year overall survival rate was 52.2% for all patients, 72.2% for patients with localized disease, and 5.3% in patients with synchronous metastases. Overall response rate (ORR) was 37% after 2 cycles of VIA and 2 cycles of VIP. There were no patients with progressive disease (PD). SN - 1357-714X UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1781087 DO - 10.1155/2017/1781087 JF - Sarcoma PB - Hindawi KW - ER -