ty -jour a2 -lobetti,remo au -disasa,derara dejene py -2020 da -2020/12/24 ti-绵羊的虱子侵扰和埃塞俄比亚奥罗米亚地区东部哈拉格地区的绵羊和山羊,2020 AB-一项关于绵羊外寄生虫的横断面研究( n = 134) and goats ( n = 250) was conducted in Kombolcha district, east Hararge zone Oromia regional state, east Ethiopia, from November 2018 to April 2019 to determine the prevalence of major lice infestation of sheep and goats and the associated risk factors. Out of the examined animals (384), 56 (41.8%) sheep and 88 (22.9%) goats were infested with 达马利尼亚 Linognathus虱子的物种。母羊和确实有3.6倍的风险 Damalinia Ovis比公羊和雄鹿和年轻人比成人高2.1倍。身体状况不佳的动物的风险是6.9倍 Linognathus比身体良好的物种小反刍动物( p < 0.05 )。观察到的总体患病率通常相对较高,这可能会通过降低生产和生产力,对皮肤的损害以及需要立即专业和政府关注的动物死亡而导致经济损失。SN -2090-8113 UR -https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8889755 do -10.1155/2020/88889755 JF-兽医医学国际PB- hindawi kw -er -er- er- er- er- er- er-