TY -的A2 -南帝,Sumanta盟,怯生生Hamny盟——Satyaningtijas Aryani Sismin盟——Sumantri Cece盟——Sudarnika Etih盟——Agungpriyono Srihadi PY - 2021 DA - 2021/08/17 TI -比较营养和肉品质特性两个原始削减从亚齐牛在亚齐省,印尼SP - 8381849六世- 2021 AB -印尼亚齐牛是当地肉牛养殖在亚齐省。这种类型的牛是亚齐人肉的来源之一。本研究旨在分析质量的两个原始的削减(longissimus lumborum和半腱肌肌肉)从亚齐牛根据肌肉组织特征和MSTN基因的表达。本研究使用的样本longissimus lumborum和半腱肌的肌肉从18岁成年男性亚齐牛2 - 2.5岁和3.24的BCS。肌肉样本后不久在屠宰场屠宰的牛被获得在班达亚齐和亚齐大的地区。肌肉组织分析使用他,马森的三色的,和免疫组织化学染色方法,而使用qPCR MSTN基因表达分析的方法。肉的身体素质的分析包括pH值,肉的颜色,脂肪颜色,烹饪损失,持水量,WBSF价值。结果表明,将肌肉纤维的面积与相对较小的比圣相同的直径。肌肉都由快速纤维的比例为82.37%(会肌肉)和91.80%(圣肌肉)。肌纤维的类型的面积和成分的主要因素是影响亚齐温柔的牛肉。 A higher distribution of collagen was found in ST muscles than in LL muscles. MSTN gene expression in both muscle types was relatively the same. Aceh cattle have large muscle fibers and are dominated by fast fibers with a high percentage, resulting in a low level of the tenderness of Aceh beef. However, the level of tenderness of Aceh beef is still in accordance with the cooking preparation of original and favorite cuisine of Aceh people. SN - 2090-8113 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8381849 DO - 10.1155/2021/8381849 JF - Veterinary Medicine International PB - Hindawi KW - ER -