ty -jour a2 -nandi,sumanta au -engida,tesfaye au -lobago,fikire au au -lemma,alemayeehu au -yenehun,Yenehun,Anteneh M.Au -Mekete -Mekete,Berhane Py -20222 DA -2022/04/21 TI-验证牛作为妊娠诊断工具SP -4610830 VL -2022 AB的人孕酮测定套件 - 准确的妊娠诊断是成功乳制品的重要标准和管理工具。早期鉴定出繁殖后未怀孕的奶牛和母牛可以提高妊娠率和终身时间的产生。孕酮激素水平的测定更准确地诊断出乳制品的妊娠失败。这种方法在发展中国家并不总是可用的。一些可用的套件是为人类开发的,可以用于牛,因为原则上,孕酮不是物种特异性的,并且在动物和人类中都相同。该研究旨在验证人孕酮ELISA试剂盒,以牛作为妊娠诊断工具。该研究选择了四十boran和杂交牛(22个怀孕和18名非怀孕)。使用颈静脉穿刺从每只动物中收集了十毫升的血液样本。静脉穿刺和12小时后血清II后2小时收获血清I和血浆,并使用该试剂盒中提供的ELISA程序分析所有样品的孕酮浓度。 The result showed that 88.9% (
n = 16) of non-pregnant cows had progesterone concentration below 1 ng/ml with mean (±SE) of 0.48 ± 0.75 ng/ml while all pregnant cows had mean (±SE) concentration of 19.3 ± 0.68 ng/ml with individual values ranging from 5.2–38 ng/ml. Progesterone concentration between breeds and sample type did not show statistically significant difference for pregnant and non-pregnant cows. Nonetheless, the results of the experiments are very promising as far as pregnancy diagnosis is concerned in dairy cows from an economic perspective and accuracy; the experiments have to be performed on larger scale to proof repeatability and sensitivity SN - 2090-8113 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4610830 DO - 10.1155/2022/4610830 JF - Veterinary Medicine International PB - Hindawi KW - ER -