Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: 2020

  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8814588
  • - Research Article

Performance of Hybrid RF/FSO Cooperative Systems Based on Quasicyclic LDPC Codes and Space-Coupled LDPC Codes

Ibrahima Gueye | Ibra Dioum | ... | Sidi Mohamed Farssi
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8899193
  • - Research Article

Determining the Image Base of Smart Device Firmware for Security Analysis

Ruijin Zhu | Baofeng Zhang | ... | Yueliang Wan
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8856271
  • - Research Article

-Learning-Based High Credibility and Stability Routing Algorithm for Internet of Medical Things

Kefeng Wei | Lincong Zhang | ... | Yi Guo
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8881616
  • - Research Article

Emotional Dialogue Generation Based on Conditional Variational Autoencoder and Dual Emotion Framework

Zhenrong Deng | Hongquan Lin | ... | Xiaonan Luo
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8871082
  • - Research Article

Improved Multiview Decomposition for Single-Image High-Resolution 3D Object Reconstruction

Jiansheng Peng | Kui Fu | ... | Qiwen He
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8853794
  • - Research Article

Beam Pattern Optimization Method for Subarray-Based Hybrid Beamforming Systems

Joerg Eisenbeis | Jonas Pfaff | ... | Thomas Zwick
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8883696
  • - Research Article

Data-Driven Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Construction for Industrial Control System Security

Guowei Shen | Wanling Wang | ... | Miao Yu
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 6681391
  • - Research Article

MFCFSiam: A Correlation-Filter-Guided Siamese Network with Multifeature for Visual Tracking

Chenpu Li | Qianjian Xing | ... | Ke Zang
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 6669965
  • - Research Article

Link Budget Analysis for 5G Communication in the Tropical Regions

Trilochan Patra | Swarup Kumar Mitra
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8873912
  • - Research Article

On the Performance of Wireless Video Communication Using Iterative Joint Source Channel Decoding and Transmitter Diversity Gain Technique

Amaad Khalil | Nasru minallah |…| Atiq ur雷姆曾为此写过an
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 3093581
  • - Research Article

Mobile Data Traffic Offloading through Opportunistic Vehicular Communications

Liqiang Qiao
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 6689134
  • - Research Article

Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Things Based on Temporal Convolution Neural Network and Efficient Feature Engineering

Abdelouahid Derhab | Arwa Aldweesh | ... | Farrukh Aslam Khan
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8811962
  • - Research Article

An Efficient ECG Denoising Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, Sample Entropy, and Improved Threshold Function

Dengyong Zhang | Shanshan Wang | ... | Rongrong Gong
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8856683
  • - Research Article

Study on Security and Privacy in 5G-Enabled Applications

Qin Qiu | Shenglan Liu | ... | Shengquan Yu
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing-
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8850520
  • - Research Article

An Efficient Pairing-Free Certificateless Searchable Public Key Encryption for Cloud-Based IIoT

Mimi Ma | Min Luo | ... | Dengguo Feng
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Publishing Collaboration
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Journal metrics
Acceptance rate 33%
Submission to final decision 81 days
Acceptance to publication 37 days
CiteScore 2.900
Impact Factor 1.819

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